Sánchez, previous Page: “Siempre prefers a single socialist president”

Toledo, 18 years old (EFE).- Gobierno’s president, Pedro Sánchez, applauded the election of Emiliano García-Page, leader of the PSOE in Castilla-La Mancha, and braked as the party opened its regional congress. : “Siempre prefers a socialist president uno de derechas”.

During the opening speech of the PSOE Congress in Castilla-La Mancha, celebrating the end of the semana at the Beatriz Toledano Hotel, with the reorganization of Page, who became general secretary in 2012, in the cargo, Sanchez said that the first requirements are until 2029.

Most of Sintonya gave a full-on upgrade speech for Page in the opening center at the Spanish Economy March, in the hall at Sanchez celebrating Congress.

“In this era, I prefer a socialist president, a derechas president,” he said, convincing Sánchez to seek a new president or a socialist job “for the social mayor and not for an elite.”

To remind this, Sánchez posted a direct page to the following page: “Estamos continues from Gobierno and the party”.

Asimismo was revived “a few years later” in the Junta of Castilla-La Mancha.

In the Congreso Castellanomanchego, “La fuerza de la igualdad” refers to Sánchez for the relaunch of the Spanish economy due to a social origin and the redistribution of a mayor, and also includes a “territorial harmony” en ese sentido, para no In the stronghold of the Socialists Prevent criticism focus on singular financial catalogue.

“Revitalization and regional cohesion are a model,” said Sanchez, whose record saw Castilla-La Mancha secure an unprecedented 12,500 million euros in further funding in 2018.

También scored a goal in Castilla-La Mancha near Valenciana Comunidad Valenciana, elevating Page to the “lower degree of mayoral disaster” in the October final, specifically in the municipality of Letur Albaceteño and in conquering Mira.

Page intervened before convention delegates intervened on the clause in domingo.

At the socialist congress in Toledo are the Minister of Vivienda, Isabel Rodríguez, the representative of Puertollano, the representatives of the castellanomanchegos, José Bono and José María Barreda, and the representative of the Cortes of Castile, Francisco Pardo, director general of the Policía. -La Mancha.

También assisted the socialist leaders: deputy assistant Mikel Torres and PSE general secretary Eneko Andueza. EFE

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