Process Mining Directly from the Best Data Platform

Mehrwerk stellt neue Version von mpmX vor
Process Mining Directly from the Best Data Platform

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The updated Process Mining Platform “mpmX” Version enables Process Mining to directly benefit from the best data platform. Exporting data is by no means easy, you can view, view and visualize data directly.

Pixabay)” alt=”The new “mpmX” Version is analyzed with a new Prozessmodel and combined with other data; Create a digital platform to create an organization on the data platform.(Image: free / KI-genierert / Pixabay)” class=”inf-img inf-inlineimage__img”/>
The new “mpmX” Version is analyzed with a new Prozessmodel and combined with other data; You can organize a digital organization on the data platform.

(Image: frei lizenziert / KI-generiert / Pixabay)

A better “mpmX” platform is a platform for the backend with the frontend combined with the frontend. Since this enables a new data platform analysis and further data processing, a custom system can be created for you. A new “mpmX core” Module is equipped with the initial general process model and the direct process model in the best analysis and integrated KI-Lösungen.

Process Mining This is a Method of Geschäftsprozessen Analysis with Database, die erfasst werden in IT System. This means that visualization processes are not very good, identification is inefficient, and optimization is not good. Using Event Logs on the System ERP order CRM this was a new project of reconstruction.

New version of “mpmX” for Data Isolation and Backup Model Issue. Data is frequently exported and registered at Herkömmlichen Process-Mining-Lösungen Cloudy-Systeme geladen werden, zu zusätzlichen KostenAbhängigkeiten und Verlust des Contextes führt. “mpmX” can manage Process Mining directly on the best data platform, via redundant data storage or external data storage. It allows you to analyze the business process by performing an effective and contextual analysis.

Zu den Vorteilen der new Version:

  • Schnellere Time Value: Efficient Data Data and then “Process Mining to Data” – Ansatz.
  • Reduzierte Kosten: Durch Vermeidung redundanter Datenhaltung und -modellierung.
  • Verbesserte Governance and Sicherheit: Der gesamte Datenpool befindet sich an einem center Avg.
  • Use Cases: Ermöglicht Process Mining for Massendaten (z. B. im IoT- und Retail-Umfeld).
  • Integration of Process Mining and Business Intelligence: Schafft ein ganzheitliches Bild der Geschäftsprozesse.
  • Unterstützung of the Digital Twin of an Organization: Prozessdate Integration Ermöglicht in Digital Zwilling.
