Ankündigung von Indium Corporation: Innojoin wird exclusive global partner for NanoFoil® Vertriebspartner

(openPR) Die Indium Corporation hat heute bekannt gegeben, dass die Innojoin GmbH Exclusive globaler Vertriebspartner NanoFoil® Anwendungen der Bauteilmontage sein wird. NanoFoil® is a superior Nanotechnological Material in terms of energy control and healing, energy and healing.

Innojoin has a good Grundung with NanoFoil® Technology together with Sitz in Bremen, with all the know-how at Gebiet. With the NanoFoil® Applied Laser System, an important step has been taken in Production Efficiency and Flexibility. This is a good effort for Nanobonding-Versuche, strong Tests and the best Prozessoptimierungen for Bonding-Anwendungen durchgeführt werden. The laboratory has a wealth of analysis tools in terms of metallography, which is a basis for ensuring quality and material integrity.

“We have gained more insight into a large number of NanoFoil® products and other NanoFoil® brands in Europe,” says Jonathon Major, Deputy Director, ESM Project Management, Indium Corporation. “Ausweitung enables Partnerschaft to have a brand that offers even better service regarding the NanoFoil® product.”

“A war, a zuverlässige and vertrauenswürdige Erfahrung with Indium Corporation”. Wir sind mehr als erfreut, diese erfolgreiche Reise mit ihnen fortzusetzen“, says Christian Walz, CEO of InnoJoin. “NanoFoil®-Technology is an excellent product for Portfolios and Services, but it is a technology with the best technology.”

NanoFoil® is a material used, controlled and used in industry and has a product and reaction that is versatile and suitable for all types of materials. It operates in many areas such as Es kann, Halbleiterindustrie, Luft-und Raumfahrt, Automobilindustrie, Biomedizin and Verteidigungsindustrie.

Über Indium Company

Die Indium Corporation is a leading material provider, Schmelzer, -hersteller and -liferant of electronics, Halbleiter, Dünnschicht and Wärmemanagementmärkte. Products such as Lote and Flussmittel, Hartlote, Thermal Schnittstellen, Sputtertargets, Metal and inorganic Verbindungen and Indium, Gallium, Germanium and Zinc NanoFoil® are available.

In 1934, a single technological support and factory production took place in countries such as China, Germany, India, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Königreich and Staaten.

Learn more about Indium Corporation www.indium(dot)com Email jhuang(at)

You can reach the expert named From One Engineer To Another® (#FOETA) on LinkedIn: www.linkedin(dot)com/company/indium-corporation/

Über Innojoin

Die Innojoin GmbH with Sitz in Bremen is a specialist company for modern Schweiß- and Beschichtungslösungen. Das Unternehmen conzentriert sich auf die Bereitstellung zuverlässiger, wirtschaftlicher und quality hochwertiger Lösungen für seine Kunden, einschließlich Schweißaufgaben, Verschleiß- o Korrosionsschutzanforderungen und Aufarbeitung verschlissener Componenten.

Learn more about Innojoin GmbH at www.innojoin(.) You can order via e-mail at info(at)

Use LinkedIn:

innojoin: https://www.linkedin(dokta)com/company/12877762

Christian Walz, CEO: https://www.linkedin(dot)com/in/christian-walz-91b39a14/

Franziska Schwarz-Beck, Sales: https://www.linkedin(dot)com/in/franziska-schwarz-beck-7224467b/