NTT DATA Partnerschaft with Palo Alto Networks, KI-gestützte for Cloud-to-End Cybersecurity for Unternehmenskundens


NTT DATA is one of the top providers in the world of digital technology and IT, which has a new Partnerschaft with Palo Alto Networks. WE USE A GOOD DRIVING APPROACH WITH NTT DATA, there are also digital infrastructures for a new Cyber ​​Security infrastructure.

By collaborating with NTT DATA Managed Extended Detection Response Service (MXDR), we achieved rapid responses with a security measure and early intervention. KI and machine learning are Transparent Service Sorgt der Netzwerken, Edge and Cloud-Umgebungen and, more importantly, the evolving Cyber ​​Networks are developed for a business.

Der Service baut auf Cortex XSIAM by Palo Alto Networks auf, der Branchenweit führenden Plattform für Security Operations Center (SOC). Bedrohungen with large Umfang elimination and Sicherheitsvorfällen beschleunigt with Betriebssabläufe during KI-gestützte Plattform Cortex

Increase your Cyber ​​Resilience by combining Innovative Technologies and Technologies with global expertise and thus Zeitaufwand to achieve Cyber ​​Resilience earlier and easier. Benefit from a solution that simplifies optimization and improvement, making the most of Data and Sicherheitsmaßnahmen in one Platform.

Laut Gartner’s® weltweiten im Jahr 2025 die weltweiten Ausgaben der Endnutzer für Informationssicherheit voraussichtlich 212 Mrd. US Dollar transfer – a 15.1% increase in 2024.* NTT DATA’s new MXDR-Service achieves a much better digital data acquisition, becoming a fragmented system with versatile and sophisticated complex systems.

“Viele Unternehmen, piece by piece, built the Sicherheitssysteme. Dadurch ist es schwieriger, Bedrohungen zu Erkennen ve zu reagieren, ohne wertvolle Zeit zu verlieren”, right Sheetal Mehta, Global Head of Cybersecurity, NTT DATA, Inc. It ensures cyber resilience, optimization and all security measures.“

Kristy Friedrichs, Chief Partnership Officer of Palo Alto Networks. “NTT DATA assists NTT DATA together with the SOC during the platform creation during

The new MXDR service from NTT DATA is being launched early and restarted in Sicherheitsvorfälle and supported during the Einsatzteam, KI-gestützte Orchestrierung von Bedrohungsdaten and Automatizering worldwide. New and modern machines Bedrohungen from the early period and with a team we specialized as a qualified IT Manager, Bedrohungsjägern, Digital Forensics and Certification Expert.

The Echtzeit-Bedrohungsdaten enabled NTT DATA to be proactive for the introduction of a new Cyber ​​Cyber ​​Sicherheitslandschaft with the Echtzeit-Bedrohungsdaten in Unternehmens schützt. This enables complex complex builds, resource optimization and better bottom line (TCO).

Sicherheitsbedenken, a Branch of Digital Transformation

Partnerschaft of NTT DATA and Palo Alto Networks have formed a branch and a partner network together with Fertigungs, both chemical and Pharmabranche. You can find:

  • Umfassende Sicherheit from Edge to Cloud: Use once again to get a transparent view over the device and network.
  • KI-gestützte Erkennung von Bedrohungen: Identify and react to KI early and reboot your machine.
  • Geringere Complex and TCO: A platform with a Benutzeroberfläche and an Agent, versatile Sicherheitsdienste vereinheitlicht, die Verwaltungert und die Reaktionszeiten harsh reactions.
  • Hohe Ausfallsicherheit: Integrated and automated solutions for Global Reichweite and Innovation.

The best Mitteilung is a very good strategy for the strategic partnerships of NTT DATA and Palo Alto Networks and positions it as well as different branches for global networks around the world. NTT DATA has global cybersecurity and regional expertise in 50 Länderns, holding 260 technical certifications and 7,500 cybersecurity certifications. In total, more than 15,000 Sicherheitseinsätzentschärft NTT DATA reached billions of Sicherheitsbedrohungen.

Benefit from more NTT DATA and Palo Alto Networks higher.

* Gartner-Pressemitteilung vom 28. August 2024: “Gartner Predicts Global Information Security Spending to Grow 15% in 2025”. GARTNER is a leading Handels and Dienstleistungsmarke of Gartner, Inc. and the best-known Tochtergesellschaften in the USA and internationally. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.


NTT DATA is a US$ 30 Billion global and innovative Anbieter von Geschäfts- und Technologiedienstleistungen. 75% of the Fortune Global 100 outperform in terms of long-term innovation, optimization and transformation. The best Arbeitgeber all over the world works together with a new organization and a new organization with an expert and strong Co-Ocosystem in more than 50 countries. Unsere Dienstleistungen umfassen Geschäfts- und Technologieberatung, Datan und künstliche Intelligenz, Branchenlösungen sowie die Entwicklung, Practiceierung und Verwaltung von Anwendungen, Infrastructure und Konnektivität. We now make the most of digital and KI-Infrastructure. NTT DATA is part of the NTT Group, with an investment of US$ 3.6 Billion in Forschung and Entwicklung, Unternehmen und Gesellschaft dabei zu unterstützen, sicher und nachhaltig in diedigital Zukunft zu gehen. Besuchen Sie unter

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NTT DATA Partnerschaft with Palo Alto Networks, KI-gestützte for Cloud-to-End Cybersecurity for Unternehmenskundens

Lori Bosio

Senior Director External Communications, NTT DATA, Inc.

[email protected]

© Business Wire, Inc.

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