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Ky. MP wants sex offenders banned from Halloween activities

Ky. MP wants sex offenders banned from Halloween activities

LEXINGTON, Ky. (WKYT) – As kids pick out their favorite costumes and prepare for the Halloween holiday, a Lexington legislator wants to add an extra layer of protection to fall festivities.

“This is a really simple, one-page bill that says if you are a convicted sex offender dealing with minors, you can no longer participate in Halloween activities like giving out candy,” said Rep. Chad Aull. Democrat from Lexington.

Rep. Chad Aull announced Tuesday that he will introduce a bill focusing on child safety and Halloween in the upcoming session. It is planned to ban sex offenders from events such as trick-or-treating and costume parties involving minors on Halloween day and two weeks before or after the holiday. However, this will include exceptions for events held with immediate family members or at work.

“We were really careful in drafting this law to ensure that it complies with constitutional standards. “We want these individuals to still be productive members of society,” Rep. Aull said.

If the bill is passed, any criminal caught participating in these activities would be charged with a misdemeanor for the first offense, followed by a Class D felony for subsequent offenses.

With two children on his mind, Aull says Kentucky needs to give law enforcement another tool and close what he believes is a loophole in our state laws.

“I think this is a proactive choice that the legislature can make to help protect our children and prevent something bad from happening,” Rep. Aull said.

Aull says several other states, including Arkansas, Illinois and Georgia, have also passed their own version of this bill.