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CDC releases Youth Risk Behavior Survey Report

CDC releases Youth Risk Behavior Survey Report

HUNTINGTON, W.Va. (WSAZ) – The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced its Youth Risk Behavior Survey for 2023.

It is stated that more than three quarters of high school students use social media several times a day. Those who went online more frequently were more likely to report feeling depressed or hopeless.

“I think this is expected and also concerning,” says supervised psychologist Gabrielle Harrah of Marshall Health, who works with children, teens and adults and has seen the impact of social media firsthand.

“There’s definitely some anxiety and anger as well,” Harrah said. “Many children do not know how to deal with conflict resolution and conflicts in daily life.”

While the survey shows early signs that teenagers’ mental health has improved since the pandemic, concerns about school violence are growing. Overall, the percentage of students who were bullied increased from 15 percent to 19 percent.

Research shows this can be harder to deal with during the teenage years, when hormones are changing and social media isn’t working.

“A lot of this may be due to them not getting the socialization and free play they need during these critical developmental periods,” Harrah said. “They’re not playing outside with their friends and learning how to deal with frustrations; they’re playing video games at home and that’s not helping.”

Harrah recommends leaning on other parents to better support teens as parents and caregivers.

“I think it would be helpful for families to come together and make these informed decisions as a team,” Harrah said. “If kids are together at school and parents can agree not to give their kids iPhones and have access to the internet at such a young age, that child won’t be the only child without a phone.”

The survey results are based on responses from more than 20,000 high school students at 155 schools across the country.

Harrah recommends a book called Anxious Generationtalks about adolescent mental health.