Disney Channel launches new Quizshow – Quotenmeter.de

The camera itself is Benedikt Weber – alerts both as Kandidat and Moderator.

Ab Samstag, 16. November 2024, strahlt der frei empfangbare Fernsehsender Disney Channel show die neue «Die Beni Challenge – Total Class» With Benedikt Weber aus. The moderator must like the Grundschüler and choose Wissen Vermitteln. As a result of Geschicklichkeit – Schülerinnen and Schüler games such as Sachkunde, Mathe und German and Papierflieger-Golf, you can once again play a game in Europe with the same classic project. It was one of Disney Channel’s new productions by modern moderators Zoe Durakovic (14), Aura Stehle (13) and Pippa Henckmann (12).

Jede Folge chose Me in different Fragerunden and Actionsspielen and other Grundschulklasse. Zoe, Aura and Pippa served as Moderators during Sendungen and joined Hintergrundwissen in the next Fragen. Wieder entscheidet der Zufallsgenerator, um welches Schulfach sich die Fragen drehen – zum Beispiel Deutsch, English, Werken o Kunst. There is a Geschicklichkeit in the final: Did we bring Papierflieger to Ziel or did we not win Luftballonjonglieren?

Most recently, Sendung has won a point for the Klassenkasse in Europe and has come together with a number of projects – a Klassen party, a Gemüsebeet, a Schulbibliothek for the Bücher or a Schutz der Meere to spend. Denn four der Oktopus, das einzige Lebewesen ile drei Herzen.