Eli Lilly-Aktien fell during medication Von Investing.com

Die Aktien von Eli Lilly (NYSE:) und Co verzeichneten am Mittwoch im vorbörslichen Handel einen deutlichen Kursrückgang. Grund was something that fell behind Abnehm- und Diabetes-Medikamente Mounjaro und Zepbound Verkaufszahlen der Wall Street. Pharmaceutical Drugs went from a product that was the best commercial product in the United States to one of the best products in the United States, a much smarter product.

In an interview with David Ricks, former CEO of CNBC, he was part of Zepbound, one of the top jobs in the United States and international marketing, as well as another. “Es gibt zwar ein Überangebot, aber wir haben die Nachfrage nicht so angekurbelt, wie ursprünglich geplant”, i.e. Ricks.

The Trotz des Verkaufsrückgangs reached a Nachfrage from Quartalszahlen once again Behandlungen. This amount amounted to between 3.11 Billion USD and 1.26 Billion USD. Analytics provided accurate estimates and predictions for Quarter $4.20 Billion for Mounjaro and $1.69 Billion for Zepbound, with combined estimates of $19 Billion.

Production took place as a medical drug, which allowed Eli Lilly to invest. Investments were made in Standort in Indiana and Ireland for 7 Billion US Dollars for Ausbau von Produktionslagen aus. Branded under the USA wird Mounjaro sowohl für Diabetes-als auch für Abnehm-Behandlungen.

Angesichts made Eli Lilly choose Umsatzprognose for Gesamtjahr. Grenz was valued between US$ 46.6 Billion and US$ 46 Billion, while Grenze was valued between US$ 45.4 Billion and US$ 46 Billion. This year, predictions were made for a Spanne of $13.02 to $13.52, with another reaching $16.10 to $16.60.

A quarter was purchased, with a total of US$2.8B purchased, and a quarter was purchased more than production.

Wettbewerb led Eli Lilly, one of the top U.S. pharmaceutical companies, to close down both cases, along with Novo Nordisk Konkur (NYSE:NYSE:). Pharmaceutical Market Specialist is the most profitable and has a potential worth up to $150 Billion.

In August, Novo Nordisk encountered a new Rückgang in Quartalsverkäufen at Abnehm-Medikaments Wegovy, providing a Gewinn prognosis for Gesamtjahr. The analysis has Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk on track to achieve the best results for the following year, with the US Markt in 2024.

Reuters has a beige article.

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