Effizienz und Kosteneinsparung: Sparprogramme zeigen Wirkung de BASF

BASF joins Zuversicht in 2025

Quelle: dpa

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Runner and greater efficiency were awarded the Losung of BASF-Vorstands. Die milliardenschweren Sparprogramme zeigen bereits Wirkung.

BASF will invest 2.1 Billion Euros by the end of 2026. (Image: BASF)
BASF will make an investment of 2.1 Billion Euros by the end of 2026.

(Image: BASF)

BASF launched a Sparprogramm program from January 2025 and later backed out. Wir richten den Blick nach oben“ presented Finanzvor and Dirk Elvermann at a Telefonkonferenz. Ludwigshafener Dax-Konzerns Management showed an optimistic approach for the following year. Damit das gelingt, many chemists have homemade machines, pour Elvermann into concrete with Konzernumbau and Blick from milliardenschweren Sparpläne.

“Wir sind auf gutem Weg, die angestrebten Kosteneinsparungen von jährlich 2.1 Billion Euro bis End 2026 zu erzielen”, berichtete der Finanzvorstand. The next program to die in February is the most suitable in Umsetzung. Last September there were a number of wins, generating revenues of 800 Million Euros. Angaben von Elvermann was betrayed for 500 Million Euros.

Kosteneinsparungen in Blick

Der Chemieconzern bis zum Ende invested at a cost of up to 800 Million Euros and achieved much more at a cost of 550 Million Euros. This was a way to create an above-standard wet floor remediation program with the involvement of BASF. Die Einheiten am größten unternehmensstandort, concerning the latest information, Beitrag sie jeweils bis Ende The best of 2026.

Details, a wonderful experience provided by Elvermann and BASF Chief Markus Kamieth, as well as Kosteneinspar- und Konzernumbaupläne gestrichen. Stammwerk, I have benefited twice from Sparprogramm under the One Billion Euro War Program by the End of 2026. And 80% is fixed with a fixed amount, which has a much better Stellenstreichungen and also in Vorstandsvorsitzende. Grundsätzlich visited Stein in Ludwigshafen and helped him replace Ziel.

More Nettogewinn Written in Quartal

Dax-Konzerns Management chose the Verschlankung in Stammsitz, where 160 Anlagen in Ludwigshafen operate with a wetness rate of 78%. Bei 22 % Anlagen best According to the risk, dass das nicht mehr so ​​sei. A product free of chemicals and a Jobabbau has lost nothing. BASF surpassed 112,000.

Vorjahresniveau I Give a Quarter of Chemicals to the tune of 15.7 Billion Euros. Sonderpost’s active Gewinn owns 5% of the €1.6 Billion. Strich has a €287M Gewinn footprint under him – once again a €249M play.

BASF Chief Markus Kamieth poured concrete for the Chemical Industry at Treffen in New Zealand. (Image: BASF)

Schwächelnde Autoindustrie belastet Chemiekonzern

Once again we reached a high value: with Zinsen, Steuern, Abschreibungen and Sondereffekten we benefited from the best prognosis provider Bandbreite between 8.0 and 8.6 Billion Euros.

Vorstandschef Kamieth applied to Erwartung from the second half of the Automobile Industry Era. Die Vorzeichen in der Branche ständen derzeit nicht positiv. Lediglich in Asia is located in a branch under Erwartungen, a Wachstum branch.

BASF stopped a new investment in E-Autos along with new investments. Our Geschäft in China has much better and longer optimism. 15% to 20% of chemical analyzes with Automobil by BASF-Chef.

It’s not a good thing, it’s a good thing

Ludwigshafener Sparpläne, Dax-Konzerns Aktionäre des auchmen auch dies Dax-Konzerns zu spüren: Seine Hauptversammlung will give better results with the renewal of chemistry. There is a new Grundsatzentscheidung, which is a concrete example of BASF-Chef. No effective action is found in analysis analysis and then provides the best service organization.
