Swiss Influence Award in Category Brand: Kapo Aargau holt Sieg – News

Awarded a “Smile Swiss Influence Awards” Social Media Influencer. You want Polizei to die?

Did you have the best Content on Social Media? What happened? This is the “Smile Swiss Impact Awards” entschieden. 141 People, Institutions and Companies Provide Services in 18 Categories. New Category “Brands” Aargauer is branded with MBudget in Kantonspolizei, Schweizer Armee or Logitech. Can You Erfolg Social Media?


Under Das Kommunikationsteam der Kantonspolizei Aargau, Leitung von Corina Winkler (Mitte). The team provides Accessibility tips on Social Media and offers Medienschaffeden on current themes.

zvg/Kantonspolizei Aargau

Seit zwei Jahren is active among Cantonese on Instagram, Facebook and Tiktok. Changes to Randale and Halloween Themes, Automatic Profile, Diebstähle, Automatic Ladungssicherung and “Töffli-Regeln” in short videos. Meistens im Zentrum: A Polizist in Blauer Uniform, der erklärt.

Content of videos on Kantonspolizei Kommunikationsteam under the direction of Leitung von Corina Winkler. The team operated Medienschaffenden Auskunft together with the existing Ereignisse und Themen in Polizei.

No Automated Actions on Social Media. This was part of Hauptjob, was about popularizing SRF and received more awards than a Hobby.

The Rezept ist einfach: «In den Videolar sieht man echte Polizistinnen und Polizisten, die aus ihrem Alltag erzählen», erklärt Daniel Wächter, Mediensprecher der Kantonspolizei Aargau, das Rezept der Social-Media-Auftritte. «We alerted for part of the work, the videos were once again approved by an authentication.»

Feier an den Awards

Kapo Aargau has no place in the Awards. Auch die «Schwiizergoofe» (im Bild) is once again included in the Category Family.

zvg/Kantonspolizei Aargau/Smile Switzerland Impact Awards

Fabian Plüss, Mitgründer and Prize Organizer, Erklärt das Erfolgsrezept so: «Die Kampagne überrascht. Nothing happened in Polizei nicht, but there is sympathy and will. Die Kantonspolizei Aargau, as one of the best channels on social media, met with Jungen by contacting him three times.»

Informationen zum Impressive Award

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box of zuklapen


Corina Winkler and Marco Roduner from the Aargauer Kantonspolizei and Preisverleihung Communications Team in Dübendorf.

zvg/Kantonspolizei Aargau/Smile Switzerland Impact Awards

  • The “Smile Swiss Influence Award” is an award for Social Media Talents.
  • Gesponsert, as its name suggests, is the Smile Versicherung Award.
  • The award is a Careersprungbrett for Creators and Influencers.
  • In 2024, 141 people were put into service in 18 categories.
  • There is a Fachjury and an Online Vote on Sieg.
  • Die Preisverleihung fand am 25. October, in the Hall in Dübendorf ZH statt.

The Awards Organizers had to make use of commercial videos from Canton to make nominations for the award. Kapo is also not interested in other Influencers who often receive rewards.

Auf Instagram Polizeiluft schnuppern

Der Kapo-Auftritt im Netz helfe, Nachwuchs zu rekrutieren, sagt Daniel Wächter von der Kantonspolizei. «After many videos put together Bewerber. Once upon a time Job kann man nicht einfach so schnuppern. Die videos Gegen Einblick, Polizeialltag, sonst nicht möglich wäre.»

Fakten zur Kapo Aargau

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box of zuklapen


zvg/Kantonspolizei Aargau

  • Canton Polizei Aargau was at 800 Million in 2023.
  • Meet the Aargauer Regionalpolize for Sicherheit in the Canton of Schweiz.
  • There is a gain of 720,000 and an increase between the cantons.

Hier liege auch der Ursprung des Social-Media-Auftritts. Mit den Posts uses Zielgruppe through the Cantonal Policy for direct and direct policies and policies. So, a person causes great damage to a public institution, which begründet die Kapo ihre Bemühungen. Der Nebenjob der Medienbeauftragten bleibt also applies to Unternehmen wichtig.