Arapahoe sheriff blames South American burglary gang for home burglaries

Masked men wearing hoodies and gloves who broke into nine “high value” homes in Denver’s southern suburbs and stole cash, jewelry and designer purses were likely “part of a South American burglary group,” law enforcement officials said Thursday. .

The Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office said nine homes were burglarized from February to October, most commonly on Fridays, shortly after sunset, and described them as “dinner robberies.”

Arapahoe County, Cherry Hills Village Police Department, Columbine Valley Police Department and Littleton Police Department are working with law enforcement in California and Arizona who have arrested people from Chile and Venezuela after similar thefts.

Colorado authorities did not initially say further why they suspected the masked intruders were South American, but a sheriff’s spokesman said they would explain at a news conference Thursday afternoon. The sheriff’s office said that in burglaries linked to South American crime groups in other states, suspects have used jammers to jam home alarm systems, but “it is unknown whether the suspects in Colorado did this.”

Authorities said they did not have descriptions or photographs of the vehicles and believed the thieves had left them down the street from the homes.

The law enforcement warning comes at a time when crimes committed by South Americans are coming under intense scrutiny. Gang activity linked to Venezuelans in Aurora has gained national attention, mainly because former President Donald Trump said:the city was “conquered” He was killed by gangs during a campaign in Aurora this month. The claim was disputed by Aurora officials, including the mayor and police chief.

The department said the burglaries occurred in homes with open space, greenbelts, canals, trails, golf courses or in homes with dense trees along property lines. Security cameras show that two to four people, wearing masks and sometimes carrying backpacks, are involved in the thefts.

“They will break the exterior glass door, then rummage through closets, dressers and bathrooms,” according to a news release.

The burglaries occurred at four homes in Cherry Hills Village, two in unincorporated Arapahoe County, two in Littleton and one in Columbine Valley. A homeowner stopped one of the burglaries in Cherry Hills Village.

Authorities said the value of the stolen items was approximately $1 million.

In Southern California, federal authorities have charged 10 people in a series of bank robberies. The mostly Chilean nationals are accused of smuggling $2.5 million using jammers and blowtorches.

Authorities in Scottsdale, Arizona, warned of an increase in home burglaries, which they linked to South American burglary groups described as “crime tourists” because they come to the United States to commit crimes. Police there said they started noticing in February problem In October 2023.

And in August, authorities said four Colombians were responsible. nine “high-level” home burglaries in six Florida counties. Authorities said the stolen items totaled approximately $1.7 million, including jewelry, watches, designer purses and cash.