Opel-Mutter brings Stromtarif for E-Auto: Lohnt sich Free2move Charge?

Opel-Mutterkonzern Stellantis has introduced a new Ladetariffe for 29 European States and Startups.

(Stellantis)Opel-Mutterkonzern Stellantis has introduced a new Ladetariffe for 29 European States and Startups.

Stellantis has taken action with a new Ladeangebot using Free2move Charge. Opel-Mutterkonzern is a company with a transport capacity of nearly 800,000 loads in 29 European States – can you use Angebot sooner?

Free2move Charge in an Automobilkonzerns Stellantis System führt with “Free2move Charge Go” in the new Ladeangebot. A free Free2move Charge Go Go has 800,000 Shipping Stations in 29 European States and approximately 96 Commercial Shipping Stations.

Ladenetzwerk is the application of “Free2move Charge” and has very fast AC (up to 22 kW) and DC Schnelladestationen (50 kW to 350 kW). Ladestationen, Innenstädten als auch ländlichen Gebieten zu finden zu.

    Free2move Charge Go: So Schneidet der Stellantis-Dienst Preislich Ab

    Smartphone App Nutzer quickly finds Station Status and enables downloading and shutting down operations. Auch die Bezahlung per Ladekarte ist möglich.

    Stellantis is among two different tariffs from Angebots: E-Autofahrer, which can be temporarily loaded or a deductible. The “Pay As You Use Einsteigertarifi” allows you to pay more for having a Gebühr for Stromkosten berechnet for 0.90 Euros. On the other hand, while it becomes even more fun with a large amount of money, you can use Stellantis’ “Pay As You Move” Tariff. Dieser costet 4,99 Euro monatliche Grundgebühr zuzüglich der Stromkosten, dafür fällt keine Gebühr für den Ladevorgang selbst an.

    A research review on a major German service: Angebot from Stellantis is much better – from the latest AC-Ladestationen station – without any opposition. Therefore, a Ladevorgang on Domstraße in Frankfurt am Main temporarily costs a hefty sum, with Mainova’s rate of 0.64 Euro/kWh. Wer Kunde bei TankE is located in Mainova-Säule, price 0.58 Euro/kWh. Bei Nutzung from Free2move Charge costs 0.77 Euro/kWh (zuzüglich Ladevorgangsgebühr o Grundgebühr). Zum Vergleich: Im EnBW Ladetarif M zahlt man et dieser Ladesäule 0,90 Euro/kWh zuzuglich 5,99 Euro monatlicher Grundgebühr.

    In Münchener Gabelsbergerstraße, SWM Betreiber SWM for Temporarily Loaded or Best Ladekart is 0.49 Euro/kWh. Free2move Charge Go charges 0.62 Euro/kWh for one person.

    Tempelhofer Weg in Berlin had a Berlin Stadtwerke of 0.56 Euro/kWh for Temporary Load, while Free2move-Nutzer had a higher gem loss of 0.61 Euro/kWh. Additionally, the price of EnBW-Kunden with Ladetarif M is 0.75 Euro/kWh German. Aral Pulse reached 1.05 Euro/kWh auf in Ladesäule. A Preisvergleich can also continue in Reiseroute and Stadt.

    Free2move Charge App is one of all Kunden from Stellantis-Marken AbarthAlfa Romeo, Citroën, DS Cars, Fiat’s, jeep, LanciaBounce Engine, opel, peugeot and Pro One protection bar. If Stellantis-Konto has a Hersteller hat, new Zugangs data can also be found in the Free2move-App entry.

    Langstreckenfahrer, all Schnelladesäulen setzen kommen under Umständen with Mobilized Charge Pass Intensity Renault number of days: 4.99 Euro Grundgebühr in Monat, Ionity Schnellladesäulen in Germany for 0.39 Euro/kWh. Mit Free2move Charge Go has a value of 0.79 Euro/kWh.