Trump-Anhänger, US-Wahl MAGA-Kappe do nothing – Handcrafted at Wahllokal

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South Carolina: A trip with “Let’s Go Brandon” – A question for Aufregung in Wahllokal, this is a warning.

Orangeburg – As a Wahllokal in Orangeburg County (South Carolina), with Mittwoch, a hand festival in Streit (30th October) once again a “Let’s Go to Brandon” in Mann – Kappe aufgefordert wurde, diese. Die Auseinandersetzung made use of Mann and Wahlhelfern, Rahmen’s Staatlichen Behörden. ABD-Wahl untersucht.

Trump-Anhänger ensured that the USA-Wahl Kappe did nothing

Video viewing Portal WIS News 10 With versatile movements and a softer approach on Social Media Platforms, once again, with a Wahlhelfer beschimpft, it has been taken over by another, as part of the Politischer Kleidung in Wahllokal.

Streit, the top Kappe at Wähler in Richtung, was faced with what was later called a Wahlhelfer, which got worse.

Trump-Anhänger, US-Wahl MAGA-Kappe do nothing – Handcrafted at Wahllokal
A Trump-Anhänger meeting in Orangeburg created a huge uproar recently. © Photos: X (Screenshots)/@phillipmbailey

“Let’s Go to Brandon”-Schmähruf believed in Trump-Anhängern

Gesetze in South Carolina is Wählern, where Wählern has a political party or a feud. He died in the Bundesstaaten, between 15 and 30 Meters, once again without anything being done. Diese Vorschriften sollen sicherstellen, da Wahltag zu keinen auf die Wähler, wie die Democracy File berichtet.

The “Let’s Go Brandon” Slogan was popularized by Trump-Anhängern in the United States and has remained popular in the United States most of the time. Joe Biden Vervendet. As fans, I participated in a Vorfall NBC’s NASCAR-Rennfahrers interviews Brandon Brown airs interviews on “Fuck Joe Biden”It was the best way Reporter could interpret it as “Let’s Go Brandon.”

Nach Tumult im Wahllokal: Behörden ermitteln

Der Vorfall in Orangeburg is a big discussion about State and Art and Wahlgesetze in Weise, which also came together. In phase 21, we once again acted impartially and issued no warnings.

Die zuständige Behörde in South Carolina, ermittelt derzeit derzeit aufgrund des Vorfalls, schreibt WIS News 10We visited Stimmabgabe for 2 nights while in South Carolina. In November. Derweil asked a question to Trump-Anhanger with a Pala für Schrecken in a Wahllokal. (chnnn)