Wahl-Kaos in Georgien: Was Kommt jetzt? – Nachrichten

So there is something very good and bad, this is a very big problem and a very wrong phrase for “Georgischen Traum”. This also concerns Zweifel am Endergebnis.

Georgien zwischen EU and Russia

Also what’s in it for more land? ARD-Reporter Björn Blaschke is in Tbilisi and says: Die Frage, Georgien either Richtung Europe or Richtung Russian east, sei ihm zugespitzt.

“Georgien ist nicht Pro-EU or pro-Russian, extremely es ist irgendwas dazwischen, was nur schwer zu fassen ist.”
Björn Blaschke, ARD-Reporter, in Tbilisi

The name of a Rolle in real life: a beautiful Handel with tourist and tourist trips in Europe and Nachbarland Russland. A Georgiens Positioning is not that garish either.

How much longer?

All the protests took place in Georgien and while in front of the Land it was possible to get Presenters Julia Barth and Björn Blaschke to speak “no” on the Podcast.

He appeared in the podcast “nah dran – die Geschichte hinter der Nachricht”, between Reporter and Reporter, which became a study for me. We had a Blick figure out the best way to reach a new deal and then go to another school. None worked better in Ausland in Hauptstadt or to open a direct genre in the Region.