Weitere Sport-News – Meister droht die Handball-WM zu verpassen – Sports

Weitere Sport-News – Had a better performance in Handball-WM – Sports – SRF

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Handball Games and Gesichtsverband im Profile.

Verletzte sich am Knie

Lucas Meister.

Freshfocus/Claudio Thoma (Archive)

Handball: Meister von Knieverletzung gebremst

Lucas Meister from Kadetten Schaffhausen received an Innenbandriss training in Knie. The conservatory of the 28-year-old Kreisläufer was stolen starting from the 10th week. Schweizer National Team together with Januar (ab 14.1.) beat Handball-WM. Kroatien competed with Andy Schmid Team Germany, Tschechien and Polen at the 2025 Endrunde in Denmark and Norway.

Artworks: Matteo Giubellini took part in the Swiss Cup

Matteo Giubellini passed Schulterbeschwerden in the Swiss Cup at Sonntag in Zurich. 19-Bruder replaced Luca nach after Jährigen Aargauers. At the Show-Event in the Hallenstadion, there was a match between Wettkampf’s top team, Schweiz II, and Stefanie Siegenthaler. The team brings together Schweiz I, Anny Wu and Florian Langenegger.

SRF zwei, sportlive, 18.09.2024, 13:55 Uhr;


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