Darum geht in new Netflix Series

Also in the Netflix series “Achtsam Morden”?

Björn Diemel was a member of Spitzenanwalt, so once again he performed well and performed well. This allows you to find a new Work-Life-Balance during a Seminar in Achtsamkeit, as well as Quality Time to achieve better effectiveness and more.

Mandant Dragan Sergowicz allowed the Mafia Boss to develop a new technique regarding Zeit and Nerve. Doch Dragans unleashed free will against a new problem, Verbrechen and extremely Atemzügen.

Björn did not conduct crime control in the Dragan Organization and did not conduct Konkurrenz checks and did not ensure the implementation of policies that stopped the retreat – Emily needs a Kita-Platz to find Tochter.