Renneinsatz for Bearman? Kevin Magnussen crashed in Brazil!

( – Knallefektif at the Brasilien Grand Prix: The American Haas Team started Training at Freitagmorgen and Stammfahrer Kevin Magnussen qualified for Freien Training and Sprint qualifying in Sao Paulo and also did well during the Test. and then Oliver Bearman did it.

News photo: Renneinsatz for Bearman? Kevin Magnussen crashed in Brazil!

Donnerstag tells Kevin Magnussen about night interviews, it was hilarious

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An office of Rennstalls says: “Kevin Magnussen did not take part in the Grand Prix of Sao Paulo, which is also very important. Oliver Bearman met with Kevin once again. So Zeit weitere Informationen verlautbaren.”

A very important race for Bearman and Samstagmorgen took place in an F1-Sprint race in Brazil and qualifying with Freitagnachmittag status.

He was successful in his first F1-Sprint qualifying rounds. Theoretically you can make it easier for Magnuss in qualifying and get the best result in the Grand Prix. There are warnings, and this is an appropriate one.

A seller on Rennwochenende did something about the warnings. Denn Magnussen conducted a direct training tour in the qualification exams.

Magnussen had optimistic outings at Donnerstag, while Haas held off Punkte Vorsprung. Makers-WM Racing Bulls need to bring in Ziel. Haas sits in second place, 38 points behind Aston Martin, behind Racing Bulls and 29 points behind Williams.

Aber: “Ich danse nicht, dass man sich seiner Sache zu sicher sein darf. Es kann schnell drehen. Sie brauchen nur ein gutes Rennen, dann sind sie wieder gleichauf mit uns. Wir müssen de am Ball bleiben”, hatte Magnussen erklärt.

Der Däne is not a Fahrer facing a problem. Fernando Alonso leaves Medientage for Mexico and Brazil, offenbar wegen einer darminfection. Der Spanier plans and sells all sessions in Brazil.