ISX Financial EU PLC 3rd Quarter 2024 Bericht • news • onvista

IRW-PRESS: ISX Financial EU PLC: ISX Financial EU PLC 3rd Quarter 2024 Bericht

Donnerstag, 31. October, Nicosia: ISX Financial EU PLC (ISX Plc) represents Ergebnisse for the first quarter of 2024. Firstly, ISX Plc’s quarter 2024 was among the record quarters with strong performance among the top alternatives in the Banktech and Regtech sectors.

Wichtige Finanzkennzahlen for Quarter 2024:

Starkes Umsatzwachstum

ISX Plc achieved a 71% return on Vorjahr, compared to a 3% recurring return on Vorquartal. Nettovermögenswerte des Unternehmens increased by 143 percent in Quarter 2023 and 23 percent in Q1.

New Registration Erreicht

Im Juli ISX Plc has a revenue of 5.2 Million Euros. The bulk of the trading volume from the 1 Billion Euro Quarter Marke was the active Dynamic of Wachstum and Unternehmens.

Ajay Treon, ISX Plc’s Chief Financial Officer, Ergebnisse: In July, he provided information on ISX Financial’s Q1 2024 regarding Umsatzrekord and Trading Volumes of 1 Billion Euros. Darüber was under the Engagement of Unterstützung and Förderung der Ziele for a wider Kundengelt, together with a strong Kundengelder.

Financial Stability

ISX Plc had a much stronger financial return on Banktech-Zahlungsmarkt, outperforming Star with an EBITDA Margin of 55%.

Investing in Innovation

As a company bringing technology to Fortschritten, it invested Quarter 0.7 Million Euros in ISX Plc in Forschung and Entwicklung. These strategy investments are investments that are constantly ongoing and provide permanent directions.

Erweiterung of teams

Zur Unterstützung des fortlaufenden Wachstums hat ISX Plc leaves Belegschaft to Gesamtzahl der Mitarbeiter with a production of more than 180, with an increase of 22% in 2024. Investing in Talent is a remarkable achievement that has built one of the best brands in the world and continues to do so.


Blick focused on ISX Plc’s major investment of 50 Million Euros for 2024. EBITDA forecast reached 40% and 45%, an increase of 40% and 45%. strategy Umsetzung.

ISX Plc is in a strong position in the best Wachstumskurs in 2024, performing well during strategic investments, product innovations and interactions.

Nikogiannis Karantzis, Chief Executive Officer of ISX Plc, as follows: Best New Models and Teams. Wir bleiben entschlossen, nachhaltiges Wachstum durch Innovation, operative Exzellenz und ein unermüdliches Bekenntnis zum Erfolg unserer Kunden voranzutreiben.

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