North Macedonia launches digital identity wallet mDL

North Macedonia has launched a mobile application that will host the country’s digital identity wallet and allow citizens to store an electronic version of their identity cards and driver’s licenses.

The ELI app will allow users to identify themselves when using digital services. According to Deputy Minister for Digital Transformation Radoslav Nastasijevic Vardziski, this system will also be connected to the government services, which is preparing to be redesigned.

“We are trying to create one centralized and unified platform of government websites,” Vardziski said this week. he said.

The ELI application was developed through the Digital Europe Program (DIGITAL), media organization Sloboden Pečat, which provides strategic funding for the introduction of technology into the economy and public administration. reports.

In 2020, Macedonia also launched a campaign. pilot project introduces Mastercard’s Identity Service, a digital identity service operated by global payments giant Mastercard and Evrotrust.

Progress in digitalization

According to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Digital Readiness Assessment (DRA) for North Macedonia, the country is making significant progress in the field of digitalisation.

The Balkan country is developing its digital public infrastructure and modernizing its national payment system, especially in the field of payments, supported by the Payment Services and Payment Systems Law of 2022. The government is working on digital governance reforms, including aligning standards with the EU. The Electronic Documents, Electronic Identity and Confidential Services Act was also introduced in 2019 in line with the eIDAS regulation.

But the country still faces a digital skills gap: While 80 percent of the population is connected to the internet, only 32 percent have basic digital skills, according to a UNPD report published in August.

Macedonia elected a new government in May this year, which initiated restructuring by establishing a special Ministry of Digital Transformation under the leadership of Stefan Andonovski.

Article Topics

digital government | digital identity | digital wallets | mDL (mobile driver’s license) | North Macedonia | UNDP

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