“Air Conditioning After Work” at the Feierabendmarkt in the Heiligenhaus

It's good to have a Spaziergang. Photo: pixabayIt's good to have a Spaziergang. Photo: pixabay
It’s good to have a Spaziergang. Photo: pixabay

heiligenhaus. The temperature is becoming an ideal time for Thermography-Untersuchungen. A good solution for all Eigenheimbesitzer without doing anything to stay still, da sie helfen können, Warmeverluste in Gebäuden zu Erkennen, durch Sanierungsmaßnahmen nachhaltig zu reduzieren and damit energy savings.

7. November – 16 to 18 Uhr reported on the Feierabendmarkt über die Möglichkeit, a Termografie-Spaziergang at the Heiligenhaus and the Stadt Heiligenhaus Air Conditioning Team at the Kooperation mit der Hochschule Bochum.

It can be used as interesting information, comprehensive project information and a direct indication for a thermography-Spaziergang. Spaziergänge began, very cold and the temperature did not rise. Spaziergängen, together with a hot and hot energy source, can be used as a new source of hot energy every day and be more energy efficient.

Termografie-Spaziergänge takes part in the Gemeinschafts project of the Hochschule Bochum and the Klimaschutz Teams at the Stadt Heiligenhaus. This is possible by performing thermography analyzes that will help control heat early and reduce energy savings.