Skifoan! So sieht der Saisonbeginn in Österreich aus

Feierfreudige Skifans, bereits Tage, bis es wieder heißt: Auf die Bretter, Party, los! Mega-Livekonzert, Skirennen, Materialtest or Galadinner: Das Drücken der Bergbahn-Startknöpfe, a long Event Character and a large Anhangerschar, many Gletscher-Skigebieten, im Kaunertal und Betreib Schon Angelaufen ist. Start at a Wegweiser zu den wichtigsten Feten zum offiziellen Skisaison.

Ischgl: Höher als der Himmel
More 27 Million Songs, 218 Million Songs as Singles, 43 Million New Songs – among the Megastar’s best for the “Mountain Top Opening Concert” in Ischgl. British Singer and Songwriter Ellie Goulding sets off from Startschuss for Wintersaison on 30 November. A great Bühnenshow and Classic for Gänsehautmomente called “Love me as you do”. The Live-Konzert starts at 18:00 at the Silvrettabahn Parkplatz in Ischgl. Genug Zeit also, um davor schon einmal auf die Bretter zu steigen. It was played on 28 November at the Silvretta Arena, Schweiz Skibetrieb, with a distance of 239 kilometers in Ischgl and Samnaun.

Obertauern: Scooter in Schneeschussel
Tradition of the Saisonstart event in Obertauern. On November 29, the German Kultband Scooter was brought along with Frontmann HP Baxxter and Tophits along with “God Bless the Rave” and “Hyper Hyper” Bühne zum Beben. On 26 November and 22 November in Betrieb und Liftanlagen started with Abfahrtsglück for the Winter. Gamsleiten 2 Reicht to Kick Schnee Schnee Schon für den Kick – 45 Degree Steel Pisten Europas -, better than Ms. Holle.

Schladming: Drei Tage, drei Shows, drei Ikonen
Gleich will kick off the Winter Season from 6th to 8th December in the Schladming-Dachstein Region with international superstars. Singer and Songwriter Bryan Adams has embarked on a full concert tour with his second concert tour titled “So Happy It Hurts”. Bei Hits can guarantee a better performance with “Summer of 69” or “Everything I Do (I Do It For You).” I follow the English Künstler Sting songs with “The Police” and Solohits and “The Englishman in New York”. I chose Simply Red in the Schlaminger Planai-Stadions Bühne and celebrated the Jubilee Year 2025 in the 40-year Bestehen Band.

Ramsau am Dachstein: Langlauf-Leckerbissen
International music stars work with a man in Ramsau am Dachstein aus. More 20 years ago, from 5th to 8th December, the “Holy Winter Opening” in Langlauf-Fans and the all-round opening of Loipensport took place. Within the scope of the program, Technical Training for Mental Balance and Fitness, Themed Workshops, Material Tests and Kraft Training Workshops. There are highlights from another opening at the Biathlon-Schießstand.

Sankt Anton: Food Trucks, Skitest and Safety Camp
Endlich wieder “Skifoan” is set as “Stanton Ski Open 2024” from the 6th to the 8th December. And this cable came with three Bühnen Konzerten and a wide variety of Foodtrucks. Für Festivalstimmung investigates Freitag and Samstag as well as Cover and Nachwuchs bands, DJs and Künsts. Berg’s Sicherheit has numerous advantages Theme: In Cooperation with Bergrettung, in Cooperation with Anton and Arlberg in Samstag, together with Sonntag in the Arlberg Security Camp in Galzig.

Lech am Arlberg: Skifahrende Sommeliers
With the “Arlberg Weinberg” Initiative Lech/Zürs am Arlberg vom 7. bis 15. Ruf als Gourmetdorf more gerecht in December. In one program, a big program for the sporty Weinliebhaber: Remove the Wintersport labels from Niveau and remove Genießen from Niveau. Österreichische Winzer brought Schätze to Weinkellern and Arlberg. Ein Schwerpunkt gilded in Jahr of Sauvignon Blanc. The Wettbewerb “Best Bottle Award” is a wonderful distinction for the Sauvignon Blanc that Lecher and Zürser consider to be their best Flasche Bewerben. November: Under the slogan “Ski with Austrian Wine”, a win can be had as a winner from Rüffikopf, Kriegerhorn, Madloch & Co.

Saalbach: The first sports enthusiast and Raver
The young man from Partyhochburg Saalbach-Hinterglemm understood the whole Partylöwen under Wintersportlern. Los geht es vom 6. bis 8. December, with “Bergfestival”. Live music bands for a new season with Sport Freunde Stiller, Feine Sahne Fischfilet, Mando Diao and Das Lumpenpack. Szenenwechsel went through a period from the 12th to the 15th of December, when the Raver continued the tradition of “Rave in the Snow”. Since the 31st century, Beats, the elite of electronic DJ-Szene, have been taking part in the Dorfplatz in Saalbach, on the 2095 Meter Plateau in Schattberg and in the autumn in numerous Hütten and Lokalen.