Eight-year-old Boy Scouts play ‘pronoun’ game using animal cards featuring ‘non-binary’ butterflies, from shaking to waking

Scouting used to be all about challenging outdoor activities; but leaders are now introducing eight-year-olds to the world of gender identity.

The movement has been accused of brainwashing for encouraging young people to play a ‘fun’ game called Pronoun Pairs using animal cards.

The film stars Billy the butterfly, who is ‘non-binary’ and uses they/them pronouns, Leslie the ladybug, who identifies as female and uses ‘he’, and Sam the dog, who is male and refers to himself as he. /he.

The second set of cards involves an activity and to win a card scouts must ‘say a sentence connecting the character to the activity with the correct pronouns’.

Scouts are also encouraged to indicate their preferred pronouns, and leaders must use ‘gender-neutral language’ such as ‘brother’ instead of brother or sister, or ‘parent’, ‘caregiver’ or ‘adult’ instead of ‘mother’. and father’.

Eight-year-old Boy Scouts play ‘pronoun’ game using animal cards featuring ‘non-binary’ butterflies, from shaking to waking

Scouts are now introduced to the world of gender identity using a pronoun card game

Movement accused of indoctrinating children with 'Pronoun Pairs' game using animal cards

Movement accused of indoctrinating children with ‘Pronoun Pairs’ game using animal cards

The play features Butterfly Billy, who is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns.

The play features Butterfly Billy, who is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns.

Scouts UK says the moves are being made to ‘ensure there is more kindness in the world’.

However, the move faced backlash. Maya Forstater, of human rights charity Sex Matters, said: ‘Teaching children that they cannot use ordinary words such as ‘he’ for a man and ‘she’ for a woman is a shocking abuse of the trust parents place in children. Boy Scouts.

Children are told they must make adults feel “loved and accepted” by claiming that men can be women and by following an ideology that claims people can “identify” with any so-called “gender” or have no gender at all.

‘Activist groups claim that using preferred pronouns is polite and inclusive. In effect, this is an admission of the fundamental lie of trans activists that people’s gender is an unimportant issue and their identity claims are crucial.

‘Demanding that this ideology be instilled in the children and families who join the Scouts is religious discrimination. ‘This activity needs to be stopped.’

A set of cards used in Pronoun Pairs where observers must 'say a sentence connecting the character to the activity with the correct pronouns'.

A set of cards used in Pronoun Pairs, where scouts must ‘say a sentence connecting the character to the activity with the correct pronouns’.

Caroline Ffiske of the Women’s Conservatives said: ‘We need to understand that this is not about inclusivity, it is about getting children used to physical separation and discomfort. This is not kind at all. ‘This is cruel and has consequences.’

Scouts UK confirmed that its inclusive language programme, including Pronoun Pairs, is ‘for eight to 18-year-olds’, adding: ‘Helping young people use language that works for everyone is about showing kindness and respect and making everyone feel welcome.’