Baubeginn for the new Sporhalle der Gustave-Eiffel-Schule

Bauarbeiten an der new Sporthalle der Gustave-Eiffel-Schule im Ortsteil Prenzlauer Berg has started. Freitag, I’m in the old Spatenstich of Bezirksamt and Hanns-Eisler-Straße pankow Mitteilte. Die Schule is a useful Schulplätze for an integrated educational institution. With an investment volume of 65.8 Million Euros, a new Fünffeld-Sporthalle became a Schule zudem, including Aula and Mensa.

The other Zweifeld-Sporthalle will get worse with the change of Neubau. The new Sporthalle had a much better experience than the Gustave-Eiffel-Schule and the Paul-Lincke-Grundschule.

Once upon a time in a Gymnasium as part of the Neubaus, there is a Mehrzweckbereich for Veranstaltungen. I am located in Dreifeld-Sporthalle compared to other parts of Wettkämpfe. The best Schulgebäude of the new Sporthalle is located in a healthier environment.

What happened? Bezirksamt Pankow

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