El Hotzo factory uses Projekt together with RTL and Jan Böhmermann

Michelle Nuhn / watson.de

ARCHIVE - 28.04.2023, Sachsen, Leipzig: Der deutsche Satiriker Sebastian Hotz or auch

RBB’s summer job: El Hotzo.Image: DPA

On Social Media El Hotzo uses Jahren zahlreiche Menschen. Auf seinem Instagram Profile Satiriker, bürgerlichem Namen Sebastian Hotz heisst, inzwischen 1.4 Million Followers. The label is a large Community with Extra Humor and comes with up-to-date Geschehnissen. Our other portal comments are also active, which was true for the rest of the world – which was very important for us.

My interest in Donald Trump in Juli was when he died at a time when Internetstar was mistreating me. This machine is a Scherz in the United States, a new Grenze of the United States. In this case, RBB faced a situation that would cause great losses. Hotzo does not have the same Sache as a Private Sender.

Return from RTL

28-Jährige jetzt überraschend zurück der der Instagram. I found Hotzo in a new format, because it is not suitable for RTL, with Moderator Jan Böhmermann. Ganz got to the point where a person could achieve nothing by spending more and more time. Genau das Gegenteil began in the Autumn, when Production began in the USA with “Vergebungs-Reise”.

A Short Trailer He recently came to a bitter end, with Böhmermann facing a fatal incident that caught Trump’s attention.

«Das ist zu politisch für ARD und ZDF. Das war’s für dich im offentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk. These battles” became popular once again with the “ZDF Royale Magazine”. While the videos are playing:

«Der deutsche Scandal-Twitterer auf Mission: While in the USA, El Hotzo was once again ‘Trump-Fake’ and bitten!»

Schon ab dem 3. In November El Hotzo sein offizielles Comeback feiern. RTL+ becomes compatible with other Globus version and Startup after the new format. Wie der Verkündungspost has finally come together to do something: «Is it possible to die from Herzen der Amerikaer zurückgewinnen? What about Trump?»

Lost Trump-Tweet Shitstorm

While Reise was in the US, he was very successful and was also bald. There’s a tweet where Juli rages against Donald Trump for “Allowing the Bus.” It was so torn apart that everything was fine. Die Antwort, die er selbst lieferte: «Leider knapp verpasst».

Following Trump’s response to Pennsylvania, Zeitpunkt has a war against Geheimnis. Zumal died tonight, with another statement being delayed. “Ich finde es absolut fantastisch, wenn Faschisten sterben”, comment posted on Twitter from ehemal X Post.

There are attractions every night:

Gemäss einem Bericht der “Washington Post” US-Politician Hacker Phone Calls took place in China. Another one is being sold next to Donald Trump.