Use PowerShell Access for Visual Studio Code

Wenn Sie viel Zeit mit dem Schreiben von PowerShell-Script below Windows Verbracht haben, stehen die Chancen gut, dass Sie die Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE) verwendet haben. You have three administrators as administrators in Skripte. Trotz der Vorteile, my friend debugger ISE Durchzuführen with Standard Tool Managers for the Use of PowerShell: Visual Studio Code (VS Code).

Visual Studio Code is one of the Allzweck Code Editor. This is among the first things that need to be done to better load Sprache. In these articles, you can perform the official installation and configuration of PowerShell, performing unique work during debugging and Git Interaction in PowerShell Code along with its functions. Lastly, I found something about running PowerShell compatible with VS Code.

So import Visual Studio Code into PowerShell

You can do more without ever installing VS Code Betriebs system Loaded. Among the best products of Windows are all articles, which are Anleitung plattformübergreifend and gilded sowohl für Linux get more macOS With PowerShell 7. Close the installation program and select the theme.

Click the option Erweiterungen Go to (Extensions) Seitenleiste and go to PowerShell. Click Schaltfläche Setup For PowerShell Installation (Setup) Microsoft.

PowerShell Erweiterung
Description 1: Enter VS Code in PowerShell installation and install it.

Als Erstes wird Ihnen eine Kurzanleitung angezeigt. If you learn something, it’s something you need to offload so that it becomes a job you can work with again later.

After solving a new Terminal-Fenster called PowerShell and let Befehlsexplorer take its place on this site. There is a lot of good in the benefits that Windows PowerShell ISE provides.

Wen Sie zu Datei\Einstellungen (File\Settings) gehen and dann Settings\PowerShell (Extensions\PowerShell) or find Settings for PowerShell Setup. Select Einstellung Formative (Form) me Speech (Save) (Text Editor\Formatierung (Text Editor\Formatting)) Provides more options with automatic formatting of System Code. Mein Favorit ist die Aktivierung von Code-Formatierung: AutoCorrect Aliases for VS Code (Code Formatting: AutoCorrect Aliases for VS Code) is used as an Alias.

So enable PowerShell in VS Code

Wenn Sie eine VS Code .ps1-Close data, set VS Code to auto via PowerShell. When you don’t create a new file, remember to create one.

Wenn Sie auf used language Click (Select a Language), use Befehlspalette and use PowerShell.

Use the following codes:

foreach ($proc in (gps)){if($proc -ne $null){$proc.Name}}

This allows you to learn what you need to learn to get a better idea. Click on your registration card Problem More information about (issues).

Registration Card Problem
Abbildung 2: There is a Registration Card Problem in the Code.

You can get a better Schreiben by using VS Code as PSScriptAnalyzer Code Analysis Tool. Code zu unterstützen. Says if-Ausdruck $proc -ne $null Sollte zum Beispiel $null -ne $proc at work.

Wenn Sie die Option Formatieren beim Speichern Enable (Format on Save) and PowerShell\Code Formatting disabled: Blocked blocks ignored Enable (PowerShell\Code Formatting: Ignore a Block of Lines), save the data, and delete the current code.

IntelliSense Function in VS Code is one THAT-Function, new kodierungsvorschläge. Do something and do something once more $pr You can also automatically place IntelliSense in the drop-down menu.

Advanced 3: IntelliSense Function Options for Automatic Code Versioning.

Wenn Sie dann $proc Later, you can save an item and change an item.

Ausfüllen der Eigenschaft
Abbildung 4: Autovervollständigungs funktion in VS Code is also used to help Eigenschaft in Ihrem Code.

IntelliSense functions also Cmdlets. Once you start creating a script name, use various Drop-Down Menus to create more options.

Automatic Support with PowerShell Cmdlets
General 5: Automated standard functions are coded and coded with PowerShell Cmdlets.

When you do more VS Code coding, you can combine the IntelliCode Function to get a simpler version of KI-basierte using Grundlage of new codes with Skripting Prozes. beschleunigen.

So debug Sie PowerShell in VS Code

Debug in VS Code also excels at other integrative operations. Once you get a script and best create a file, open a file and then create a file. F9 or click on direct links to any number.

Joined Einrichtung Haltepunkts
6: Enrich VS Code to make the best use of the script.

Wen Sie F5 drücken or my menu Ausführen Mold Option Debugging started (Start Debugging) Using the script, we found that Haltepunkt works. Close the cable and you can change the variables.

Anhalten am Haltepunkt
Step 7: VS Code stops Debug Processes and is stopped only if any Script variables are available.

Disem Fall möchte ich die Variable $proc untersuchen, also erweitere ich Scenario and proceed once more. After the initial phase of my computer, 1Password ist.

Changing Variables
8: Remove debugging variables in scripts.

I can’t use Drücken von Skript F5 or Schritt Symbols in the next Haltepunkt. With the interior of the Script in the fall semester each-Schleife very lange unterbrochen, bis die von Receiving Process There are elements remaining.

Once you have the variables in one terminal, you can set the variables in the integrated terminal.

Using PowerShell
Description 9: VS Code allows opening the Terminal to run PowerShell Code.

Disem Fall habe ich den Code zusätzlich mehrere Male durchlaufen.

You can use Zugriff using another PowerShell-Debugger-App. Buy Befeyle Schritte C. Fortsetzen. You can find the Debugger List in the official documentation at the official link.

Once you make debugging efficient, you can use Schaltfläche. Stop order Shift-F5 from me.

VS Code integration with Git

Create a script, debug and code it, then do this Go übergeben is the integrator in Haus’ VS Code. Install Git Diesel ConnectionSelect and open VS Code.

It can be used to do a fresh VS Code Install, turn on Option Layout to make the most of the Git Repository, or more. go Verwenden, one with Befehl git initialization Start it.

Sobald Sie sich im Warehouse-Verzeichnis, fuge ich hinzu hinzu, with updated texts and speeches. In Seitenliste, there is a Symbol for Version Control.

Version Control Verwaltung
Step 10: Enter PowerShell Scripts into a Git Repository to ensure version control.

When you click the symbols, you can enable Source Control-Ansicht in a Validation and Code Generation process.

Übergabemeldung for Crypt
11: In the Source Control Encyclopedia in VS Code, you can make a change to the Script.

In the Version of Git on My Old Computer, you can do the following using Git Username and Email Address:

git config "Anthony Howell"
git config (email protected)

When you create a Git Repository or access a server via GitHub, you can create a new environment for synchronization or data transfer.

Use VS Code for PowerShell Scripting

Microsoft has invested heavily in using PowerShell as a new machine in VS Code and as a PowerShell add-on tool within the team. When you solve a problem or solve a problem, you can find a solution to a problem. GitHub– There is a problem closing the warehouse. Glücklicherweise ist die Erweiterungsolide, sodas Ihre Codierungserfahrung reibungslos verlaufen sollte.

You can now use VS Code to use PowerShell Script using Windows PowerShell ISE. A better solution might be to make a PowerShell related change in VS Code, make better use of Terraform, or use Python in VS Code.