Tim Cook and Steve Jobs: Apple-Gründer Wie in a New Flow

In the Interview Series Job Interview The Wall Street Journal’s visions: engaging people and information about business, making business better, and staying informed about it. In Der neuesten Ausgabe, I want to die from Youtubereflective Tim CookCEO von AppleFor the first time in Jobs’s Zeitungsjunge and at IBM, there was no development in the Learnings along with Steve Jobs’ hat.

Teamwork makes the dream work

In 1998, he managed Tim Cook and Steve Jobs became one of the key figures from IBM for Apple, and in 2011 he took over as Jobs’ Next Year. Not all Jobs has any sense of Tim Cook’s Führungs style, but since the Wall Street Journal.

Tim Cook saw Apple’s job instead of Apple and said that Bankrott should be very careful about this issue. “Doch ich hatte das Funkeln in Steves Augen gesehen”, erinnert Cook sich – und ging das Risiko ein.

Schnell sees the Art of Steve Jobs as something other CEOs have also overlooked. Schwerpunkt, beyond the time since Geschäftskunden, Steve Jobs, with the help of Tim Cook, enriched Apple and Verbrauchern. “The war is so bright, denn damals tat das sonst niemand, weil niemand daran glaubte, dass man damit Gewinn erwirtschaften kann”, that is, Cook. „The entire focus of the product. After a beautiful day, Teams had a great experience and it was very easy.“

There are some studies and improvements in the team, which enable us to have know-how.

This lack of flexibility and the fact that Steve Jobs did not attend a major entertainment festival did not make Tim Cook very effective in the interview. There is a set of feedback or integrity that Steve Jobs started. “Nur sehr wenige Menschen haben diese Fähigkeit, weil sie so an ihren Sichtweisen festhalten”, find Cook. Jobs has other things going for him: “Steves’ Meinung impressed him more and later became one of his best ideas.”

Tech-Riese Apple gilded as one of the world’s best products: Innovations are considered big business – a business for everything, nothing. Steve Jobs’ New Year, Tim Cook’s Best New Year, Left Alone with Chefs’ Festivity: “Best Leute Leute, Dich Herausfordern, Die Fähigkeiten Besitzen, Die du nicht hast, ve damit selbstbew” usst umzugehen. Und nicht a meinen bisherigen Ansichten festzuhalten.“

Auch Steve Jobs, it never worked: “It created a very good effect, it has a very intestinal function.”

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