Breaking News: “Spark” brought Explorationsteams to Rennen!

The project is rapidly completing the new Lithium-Hot Spot in the Lithium Valley in Brazil, leveraging geological data.

– Anzeige – Interessenkonflikte und Disclaimer beachten – Advertorial/Werbung (Manufacturer: Spark Energy Minerals Inc.* (WKN: A3EQSN)) )-

Spark Enerji Mineralleri A.Ş.* (WKN: A3EQSN)An expedition on Batteriemetallen, the so-called Lithium Valley konzentriert of Brazil, a Fortschritt Update for the Arapaima Lithium Projects in Minas Gerias, Brazil. The discovery began to open up new areas of geological research at Einsatz.

Zwei Teams took Spodumenvorkommen in Schwermineral Konzentraten meldeten in 2016 and 2023, together with the CPRM (Brazilian Geological Survey), Nachverfolgung in numerous Nähe der Probenentnahmestellen konzentrieren – der Karte gekennzeichnet durch blaue Sterne.

The team has a project project and priority Research program with a new Ziele-verified Wettbewerbern (Si6, Continuous) data history and database in parallel with Spark-Team. under Verwendung geophysikalischer, Fernerkundungs- and geochemischer Daten generiert hat.

This is very important, some basic recordings and recordings, with the best quality (sichtbares Spodumen in regional Schwermineralkonzentraten) begin to work with Arbeit in Gebieten, with others “Hohes Potential” eingestuft wurden.

Jon Hill, Vice President of Research Spark Enerji Mineralleri A.Ş.* (WKN: A3EQSN)


Wir haben zuletzt schon erfahren, dass sich Spark Enerji Mineralleri A.Ş.* (WKN: A3EQSN) With a Dollar Investment in the 18th Century and a New Lithium Project, New Data Can Be Given -Hotspot genau dort liegen dürfte, wo das Spark-Team will be in the Boden rammen of sprichwörtliche Spitzhacke!

Lithium-Kettensilikat comes with Vorhandensein of Lithium with Lithium Player in Lithium Valley, Lithium Player in Atlas Lithium (NASDAQ: ATLX – Schlusskurs: 10.05 USD):

Atlas Lithium Meldet 103.4 Meters

In Wenigen Wochen, Exploations, the first example of a top Arab project “Blockbuster”, had early success.

This is a chance! – Der Einstieg in a Lithium Ionic, Atlas Lithium, Latin Sources or Sigma Lithium, in the “Nachbarn”, Frühstadium in the Lithium Valley. Ob Sie diese Chance nutzen, beim beimnen!

Meinung Redaktion

Spark Energy Minerals Inc.*

RAY: CA84652L2075 //WKN: A3EQSN //CSE: SPRK // Bravery: 128770154


I became aware of Sigma Lithium (TSXV/Nasdaq:SGML) Aktie in August 2020 and it was a mile away for me. Spark Enerji Mineralleri A.Ş.* (WKN: A3EQSN) The cost of the project is 0.13 CAD (split). All things considered: for less than 57 CAD, – 4,428% Performance –, i.e. 44,280 euros for 1,000 euros. Grund: Sigma’s Monster Against All Odds: 45 Million Tons with a 1.38% Lithium Charge!

What’s up? Spark Enerji Mineralleri A.Ş.* (WKN: A3EQSN) It can be used as an important data source for geology to “make Sigma better.” Besides the high Lithium-Wahrscheinlichkeit in the Lithium Valley, as well as the Spark Project and NICHT, there is also the Sigma-Mine!

So, 95% of Lithium Investing, one of the best investments regarding Lithium Investing, can be considered an investment with no interest in Schirm!

Transfer cards directly to Projekt-Größenvergleich zwischen Spark Enerji Mineralleri A.Ş.* (WKN: A3EQSN) and Key Player in Brasilien’s Lithium Valley

  • Latin Resources (ASX:LRS) – currently available in the Pilbara Minerals (ASX:PLS)
  • Sigma Lithium (TSXV:SGML),
  • Lithium Ionic (TSXV:LTH)
  • Atlas Lithium (NASDAQ:ATLX),

All Aktionären allowed the best use of Prozent Courses and more Billion Dollars. Auf über 64,000 Hectares (640 km²!!!) hat Spark Enerji Mineralleri A.Ş.* (WKN: A3EQSN) nun die Hand, – ve noch viel wichtiger –, das Gebiet ist zusammenhängend ve nicht zerklüftet wie den “Milliarden-Nachbarn”!

All the same, darauf hin, dass die Aktie von Spark Enerji Mineralleri A.Ş.* (WKN: A3EQSN)We left 14 Mio behind. CAD is the absolute solution for investing!

Meinung Redaktion

*Bei zwingend nachfolgende Hinweise zu den bei bullvestor from the beach definitely due to the best interesting relationships, due to risks and unknown risks

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bullVestor Medien GmbH
Gutenhofen 4
4300 St. Valentin Österreich
Tel: +43 7435 54077-0
Company number: FN275279y
Geschäftsführer und 100% Eigentümer und Verantwortlicher for Inhalt: Helmut Pollinger
Gerichtstand: St. Pölten

– Werbung –

Helmut Pollinger