Free Données chez Free, espionage scandal in Italy… Les 5 Actus Cyber ​​​​de la Semaine

L’Usine Digitale You offer a summary of the world’s great realities in the field of cybersecurity. As a program, it could be a cyberattack with millions of people entering IBAN for free, a spying job on sensible donations in Italy, or the hacking of personal political phones in America on presidential election days.

  • A free income sacrifice, 100 000 IBAN disclosure. Recently, a hacker confirmed that he eliminated data from 19 million customers. Ensuite Operator confirms a cyber attack has occurred “other than pregnancy”without the certainty of donated banks. As a fallback, the cybercriminal will secure 5 million by issuing 100,000 IBANs. Customers’ concerns are that it can be easily transported through a simple formula.

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