Covestro plant Guidance for Recycling in the Elastomer-Industrie

Chemistry Recycling
Covestro invests in Elastomeren Recycling Pilotanlage

Quelle: Covestro

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An innovative Recycling technology will transform Covestro into a recycling Elastomer-Industrie. Standort Leverkusen is running a pilot program on Sub-Materials with 90% recycling and CO2.2-You didn’t do anything a few more times.

Covestro will become even more beautiful and better with recycled material.(Image: Covestro)
Covestro will become even more beautiful and better with recycled material.

(Image: Covestro)

Der Kunststoffhersteller Covestro kündigt Plane zum Bau einer Pilotanlage für das Recycling von Elastomeren. Millions of Euro-Bereich investments were made for modern pilotage and other investments at Standort in Leverkusen. Die Bauzeit wird vraussichtlich etwa ein Jahr bis zur technischen Fertigstellung betragen.

Recycling Technology in Vulkollan marks a significant Schritt in Richtung and Nachhaltigkeit in Covestro’s Elastomer Industry. The technology is not new yet, as much as 90% of the Sub-Materials are recycled, it also helps in recycling along with the spare material along with the recycled material.

New Chemical Recycling Processes can be used to provide good quality materials to obtain a better Monomer as Submaterial in New Chemical Structures. Vulkollan Substrates enable a major massification of product reintegration with a new Automobil-Pralldämpfer and Gabelstaplerreifen.

Pilotage is One of the Best Schemes for Recycling Processes in the Laboratory as Prozess obtains versatile and low-cost Sub-Materials. On the platform, you can communicate with Potential Project Partners and Communication Platforms three times for a huge turnaround of feedback.
