Dying Light 2: Stay Human: Wintergeschichten-Event Brings Weihnachtliche Inhalte

Zombies, Parkour and Weihnachten take place in a wonderland. A game that includes the best games along with Dying Light 2: Stay Human. Verraten was part of the “Wintergeschichten: Gaben von oben” event.

Die Weihnachtszeit stopped Einzug in Dying Light 2: Stay Human! The “Wintergeschichten: Gaben von oben” Event offers a new game, even better than the inspiring Festlichkeiten sind. It was all very well: a Weihnachtsbaum, a Reichlich Geschenke, and the last few Zombies.

It’s cold in Villedor, and this also applies at Fest der Festival vor. Is there a Schmuck in the Weihnachtsbaum? Very good cleaning of Baka and Behältern has all kinds of decorations for a rich stimulant. Additionally, Belohnungen für eure Mühen used Bakas Stand once again, winking at Outfit Killer Krampus (images) and Süsigkeiten. The falls of the New Waffen and Angebot lead Skoll towards Boomerang-Stil and Schneebälle.

>> Dying Light 2: Stay Human

Baka’s Ansehensstufe is a brief summary of the Weihnachtsmann. Schickt ihr diesen ab also includes Geschenken with a Luftlieferung in Dankeschön. Wöchentlich wechselnde Belohnungen sorgen dafür, dass immer immer artig ve entsprechenden Herausforderungen teilnehmt. So I let Spucker do something to get more involved in a project.

The Winter Event arrived with the release of Update 1.20. Nothing more than a prologue, new games can be played in Dying Light 2. More information Bugs behoben at best produced worse results in Koop-Modus and Spielabstürze.

Won’t I spend more time? Bis zum 2. “Über dem Gesetz” in January – The package is expected to be very cheap. A day in Dying Light 2: Remain Human, we took in over 60 games without ever doing anything.