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Fighting Fallujah After 20 Years – Mother Jones

U.S. Marines board a truck after multiple ambushes during intense fighting south of Fallujah, April 15, 2004.Lynsey Addario/Getty Images Fighting disinformation: become a member free Mother Jones Daily Follow the newsletter and important news. Twenty years have passed since the Battle of Fallujah. The bloodiest battle in the global war against terrorismDuring the Iraq War,.

Central Asian Integration is in America’s Interest

Central Asia is a strategically important region with abundant resources and economic potential. It can and should emerge as a positive and profitable center. US involvement. Securing critical minerals, accessing uranium to support the nuclear sector, and opening new markets for American companies are on the horizon. Improved regional cooperation, connectivity, and cooperation among Kazakhstan,.

Man faces new assault charges | News, Sports, Jobs

From Mirror staff reports A Hyndman man accused of raping a young woman over several months while her guardian was at work had new charges filed against him Friday following an interview with the victim at the Children’s Advocacy Center. In addition to four previously filed felony counts, Anthony B. Thomas, 58, faces four felony.

The outgoing CEC owes us some answers

Why was there a difference between the vote percentages announced by the election commission on the polling day and the final figures? Why were the final figures delayed, incomplete and inconsistent? The election commission dismissed these concerns, claiming that all data was recorded in Form 17C and copies were given to political parties. However, when.